AF Box Factory
(click on a thumbnail for a larger picture and more detailed information)
Factory overview
Timber in, boxes out
Plank reduction
Strip collection
Strip making
Cool machine
Bottom fitting
Ashton box box
Box parts
Old sandpaper belts
Gluing the boxes together
Hanging boxframes
Cedar inserts
Boxframes everywhere
Coffin wood
Opus X "A" coffins
Semi-finished coffins
Alien Octopod machine
Dusty factory
Snowing sawdust
Boxes that don't open
Printing the boxes
Pollycoat time
A gaggle of boxes
Finished Opus X "A"s
A palate of Opus boxes
Another cool machine
These images are all Copyright ©2003-2005 by Andrew Welch. Please ask permission before using them.
Other strange adventures, stories, and pictures can be found here. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at:
Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.