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I recently picked up 5 "Toast over America" packs, which each contain one specially sized Fuente Fuente Opus X, and one specially sized Diamond Crown Maximus (both 6.5" and I'm guessing, but perhaps 46 ring). Other than the size, the tobacco is the same as in any Opus X/Maximus -- the other benefit being that they are completely tax deductible, because they were created for a charity.

I'm smoking the Opus X now; forgive me if this is a poor review, I'm not a very skilled cigar smoker/reviewer, I just smoke what I like.

The scent of the Opus X is very interesting -- almost fruity, very different in character than the Padróns I've been smoking recently. The taste is also an odd combination of citrus and spice. You draw it in, feel the citrus on your tongue, then as you puff out, you taste the pepperiness.

It also has a very interesting aftertaste that I'm at a loss to describe -- musky, perhaps. The stick itself is much more softly packed than the 1926/1964 Padróns, which is neither a good thing or a bad thing, just different. The draw is quite smooth, but it is definitely a stronger cigar than either Padrón.

I could probably smoke a couple of Padróns in a day, but I don't think I could smoke more than one of these babies. I'm pairing the Opus X with a freshly made espresso, and the tastes compliment each other nicely.

I've read all sorts of reviews of the Opus X, ranging from Nirvana to good, but overrated and over-priced. In my estimation, this is a very good cigar. Strong, surprising, flavorful, but not acidic, and smokable down to the end.

Good stuff.

Just to add to it -- I don't know if it is the cigar or the espresso, or the combination of both, but I've got one hell of a buzz right now. Never had this happen to me when smoking a cigar before... yeeehaw! :)